Saturday, November 10, 2018

Road Trip: Day 7 - Punakaiki

This morning, we went for another walk. This walk was a relatively long one in the direction of Whisky Falls. (And no, I’m not kidding about the name!) The distance to the falls was 5.4 km or 1:30 hours. Due to the recent rains, the most creeks had flooded and we had to jump over muddy puddles to continue on the track. At one point, we had to “bush bash” to get over a severely flooded creek that had burst its banks. After that, everything went as smooth as things can go when there are mud spots every 3 metres. The real trouble only came later: the path went right to the shores of the lake, and so inevitably it had been flooded. This meant that we had to go really off the track. There, we discovered more mud than ever, so much that Mum had an “accident”. This “accident” was a special type that only happens in muddy places: Mum lost her shoe in the mud! Luckily, after a long, hard battle with the mud, she was able to reclaim her rightful property, although not in the same condition as before. When we got to the flooded creek, Mum washed her shoe as best she could while Dad and I took photos. Then we had lunch at the creek, Dad and I took some more photos, and then we kept going to the car. As if Mum’s “accident” wasn’t enough, Niklas ran ahead, only to discover that wasn’t very smart: he ended up laid out on the ground — in the mud!

Once we got to the car, Niklas took my jeans, because his own pants were completely dirty. The only problem was that my pants were way too small for Niklas; it took him 2 minutes to get them on. We drove from there to Punakaiki on the West Coast, where we slept.

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