Sunday, November 18, 2018

Road Trip: Day 15 - Lake Tekapo

This morning, Mum and Dad went on a pre-breakfast walk, but I was too tired to come along. Then, after breakfast, we walked to the lookout — or at least we wanted to. But the rain that hadn’t come yesterday came today, with extra force. It came down in sheets, drenching us to the bone. Grandma and Grandpa were the first to turn around, then Dad and I, and Mum and Niklas wanted to reach the end. When Dad and I reached the car (or the truck, as we now call it), Grandma and Grandpa had also only just reached it, even though they had turned around a good deal earlier than we had. Anyway, we made ourselves comfortable — got out some tea, took off the wet clothes, and turning on the heater. Then Mum and Niklas came. They had made it within 50 metres of the viewing station, then saw the big crowd there and turned around. There was also no Mount Cook to see, just dull grey clouds. Because of the bad weather, we also decided to drive a day early, so we drove to Lake Tekapo.

Lake Tekapo

The campground was quite good: a decent playground and good toilets — what more could you wish for? The only problem was that it was crowded with people and still a bit rainy. But then, in the afternoon, the rai turned into something else: snow. Snow! After waiting all this time, there’s snow!

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Jonas,
    was fuer ein toller Trip!
    Eure Erlebnisse sind beeindruckend, aber wie Du schreiben kannst beeindruckt mich noch mehr! Du solltest Buecher schreiben!
    Ich wuensche Euch noch ein paar gelungene Tage ohne unerwuenschte Wetteraenderungen (bin mir ja nicht so sicher, wie erwuenscht der Schnee bei dir womoeglich ist ;-) - deine Eltern und Grosseltern warden ihn vielleicht weniger moegen?).
    Viele Gruesse,
