Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Road Trip: Day 4 - Spring Creek

This morning, we had an early wake-up call, which didn’t really register with my ears, and then the usual: breakfast, brushing teeth, folding up the beds, some sort of activity and then off we go. The “activity” was, on this morning, a walk along the lagoon with grandma and grandpa.  Tooth brushing in itself was an experience — it smelled so much in the toilet, I had to hold my breath! I ended up spitting into the bushes outside and probably broke a personal record in breath-holding. After successfully doing all those things, we broke off to Spring Creek, a small settlement north of Grovetown. That's almost right at the top of the South Island, the turnaround point for our trip.
On the way, we saw thousands of New Zealand Fur Seals basking on the warm rocks.
On the way, we had a stop in Kaikoura for lunch.

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