Friday, November 16, 2018

Road Trip: Day 13 - Rest Day No. 2 in Wanaka

Today, we decided to walk the Roys Peak Track. That was a steep track that wound up Roys Peak, through the sheep pastures. It was a serpentine, winding, 16km track. The rain was beginning to pull up and it was clear we weren’t going to make the peak, but we kept going. At one point, I thought I saw a shortcut, although steeper than the rest of the track and Mum, Niklas and I followed it. But only the start was an obvious “path” with the rest of it just green grass for the sheep. It was also steeper than the start, which meant that when we finished the “shortcut”, our thighs were seriously aching. After that, we picked a close spot for lunch and ate. Once we were finished with lunch, we went back to the car. There were dark clouds on the horizon and it was getting rainy, so we might as well return to the campground.

Two cute sheep

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