Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Road Trip: Day 3 - Hurunui River Mouth

This morning, after finding the dump station but deciding not to use it, we took a short visit of a private collection of Maori treasures in the Okains Bay Museum, although we only saw the outside exhibition. Also, in a nearby hut were two massive Waka, which were canoes carved out of one piece of wood. They were decorated with carved wooden figureheads and had tall, arching pieces of wood attached at the stern. It must have taken two big trees to make those boats!

After getting back into the car, we drove past paddocks with cows and sheep and enchanting woods. We were driving towards Hurunui River Mouth, with a stop in Christchurch. When we got there, there wasn’t much: a smelly toilet block, grassy campsites and that was pretty much it.

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